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What is Appreciative Inquiry?


Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a change management approach that focuses on identifying what is working well, analyzing why it is working well and then doing more of it.


Oftentimes, many change initiatives fail because the strategy, while sound on paper, is not practical in reality.  Appreciative Inquiry will analyze strateic areas in which a workable solution is already proven and to modify, redesign and replicate that model to the rest of the organization.









The Appreciative Inquiry model utilizes a cycle of four processes, which focus on what it calls:

  1. DISCOVER: The identification of organizational processes that work well.

  2. DREAM: The envisioning of processes that would work well in the future.

  3. DESIGN: Planning and prioritizing processes that would work well.

  4. DESTINY (or DEPLOY): The implementation (execution) of the proposed design.

The aim is to build – or rebuild – organizations around what works, rather than trying to fix what doesn't.


Organizational Development Objectives:                                 

  • Change at the speed of imagination – rapid, sustainable, transformative change

  • Change in the basic orientation from problem-focused to possibility-focused

  • Clarified or enhanced sense of identity

  • Renewal of energy, hope, and motivation and commitment

  • Increased curiosity and sense of vitality

  • Improved working relations/conflict resolution

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