What is HRDF?
The Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) is a special fund administered by Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (PSMB) in Malaysia, an Agency under the Ministry of Human Resources, via the Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad Act, 2001.
In fulfilling the nation's aspiration to attain the status of developed country by the year 2020, the HRDF was established in 1993 with the aim of developing quality human capital and world-class workforce in order to achieve a high income economy based on knowledge and innovation. Certain industries have to allocated a percentage of the employees wages to this fund which is managed by the government. The funds can be taken out only with the purpose of training and developing the workforce.
Nikao Consulting is HRDF Claimable
This means that companies that is registered with HRDF can use their funds to claim against the cost of trainings in Nikao Consulting. The scheme that is eligable is SBL. Our registration number is 623000U.
Organizations will have to fill up the paperwork consisting to logistical details of the training, the training outline (provided by Nikao), the trainer profile (provided by Nikao) and the quotation of the program. Upon completion of the program, the said organizations can then claim back the cost incured during the training.